FPGA interface board available

We’ve had a lot of enquiries about the DEO Nano FPGA interface board that’s listed on the example projects… and we can now say it’s available from its creator’s website – azio-tw.com. And there’s a special promotion on too. The board is normally $150 but there is currently a…
FPGA interface board

EE Times coverage describes Myriad as “Arduino-like”

Strong praise indeed from EE Times, who covered the board last week – a little earlier than we’d hoped but some good coverage, good comments and good web traffic. Full coverage from EE Times can be found here and my favourite comment coming from R Sweeny: “[Myriad RF is]…
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Houston, we have lift off

The site and project has been announced to the press and coverage (and, wonderfully web hits) are beginning to happen. Lime’s official announcement is below Open source RF hardware project to further innovation using wireless communications spectrum Non-profit initiative creates low cost, easy to use, fully configurable RF platform with…
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Moving to beta

The site is moving out of alpha testing and into beta today. I’ll post the official press release in the next blog entry but for now I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone that’s helped. Especially David Bengston for spotting something significant recently. As we move into…
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Lossless wireless audio transmission

We’ll get full a full how-to guide on this project up on the example projects section shortly. But for now, a really rather interesting project to stream audio between a PC and speakers has been created by Stefan Moridio. It’s still a bare bones project and was the…
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Using Myriad RF to add comms functionality to Arduino based projects

Myriad RF for Arduino Arduino is one of the most well used and popular open-source electronics prototyping platforms available. Like Myriad RF it’s based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software and is suitable for both the experienced and hobbyist user. With this in mind we’ve take a look at how…

Using the Myriad RF board with Altera to enable easy RF prototyping

Here we look at how to use the Myriad RF board with an Altera FPGA module to create an easy, inexpensive method of RF prototyping. To do this we’ve constructed a low cost universal radio development platform; based on the Myriad-RF board (buy board / download free database)…