Lime Suite NG Release and New Package Repo

First tagged release of Lime Suite NG, the next generation driver stack, plus collection of plug-ins and utilities for the LimeSDR family of software-defined radios. And a new package repository.

LibreCellular Update 9: New Stack and Base Station Design

New cellular software stack and base station design. A new cellular software stack configuration has been published, which is much more feature rich and provides support for VoLTE and SMS, along with a new design for base station hardware. PyHSS, Open5GS and Kamailio IMS Deployment tooling, container images and configuration…

OTA: LimeFEA for the LimeSDR XTRX, Kirigami Antennas, Cheap Coax Hacks, and More

Lime Microsystems has announced a new entry in the LimeSDR XTRX family, a front-end adapter which combines a 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio-frequency front end (RFE) with a full-size PCI Express carrier: the LimeFEA mPCIe. The LimeFEA mPCIe is designed to accept the LimeSDR XTRX mini-PCI Express software-defined radio module…

OTA: Radio World Goes Ga-Ga for SDR, a Raspberry Pi Pico Build, Homebrew Antennas, and More

Software-defined radios represent “the next level of shortwave radio listening,” says convert James Careless – writing a piece espousing the technology’s benefits for Future Publishing’s Radio World magazine. “Where have these things been all my life,” James rhetoricises after being introduced to the world of software-defined radio systems. “There is…

LibreCellular Update 8: srsRAN Fork Updated and new RFE

The srsRAN 4G fork with native LimeSDR hardware support has received a long overdue update, and a new RF front-end has been developed which provides a highly convenient solution for those building base stations, both of the small cell and wider coverage type.

OTA: Wavelet Lab Unveils the xMASS SDR, LimeNET Micro 2.0 Orders Open, a Raspberry Pi Pico SDR, and More

Boston-based Wavelet Lab has launched a high-performance software-defined radio system dubbed the xMASS SDR, using Lime Micro LMS7002M-based modules to deliver 8×8 multi-input/multiple-output (MIMO) connectivity – or up to 16×16, by linking two boards. “xMASS SDR is a modular, high-performance MIMO transceiver optimised for industrial, academic, and advanced software-defined radio…