LimeSDR Made Simple Part 2: matching, LMS7002M RX & I/Q

This is the second in a series of posts on the LimeSDR platform, that aim to demystify using SDR in the real world and programming a simple example with confidence, through bite sized chunks. Last time we explored what the LimeSDR is and what it can achieve. In this article…

LimeSDR Made Simple Part 1: Introduction

This is the first in a series of posts on the LimeSDR platform, that aim to demystify using SDR in the real world and programming a simple example with confidence, through bite sized chunks. What is SDR? Most that have found this article will already know the answer and to…

BT and EE LimeSDR Hackathon

When EE, a tier 1 network operator, decided to back the LimeSDR crowdfunding campaign this was a clear indication of the scale of the opportunity at hand. And not simply for operators to reduce costs and extend coverage, but for wireless innovation to be democratised and the marketplace opened…

LimeSDR RISC-V Student Project Announced for GSoC 2017

We’re excited to announce that in partnership with the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation, we will have a student working as part of Google Summer of Code on, not only the integration of a RISC-V softcore in the LimeSDR FPGA, but also adaptation to a FuSeSoC…

Community growth: onwards and upwards!

As the Myriad-RF community continues to grow and develop we take a brief look back over the past four or so years, at some recent statistics, and how community and projects are evolving.

LimeSDR Workshop Materials Available

On 24th March we hosted a one day workshop in partnership with the BCS Open Source Specialist Group and Open Source Hardware User Group, that provided an introduction to software-defined radio and LimeSDR. Held at the BCS offices in central London, the event was free to attend and…

LimeSDR configuration speed optimisation

Right from the outset the intention with LimeSDR has been to provide the very best performance and overall user experience, with a commitment to investing significant effort in engineering and striving to get the most out of the hardware platform. A good example of this is the USB 3.0 interface and this is provided by a Cypress FX3 microcontroller, which is available in many different variants. One option would have been to select a device with a lower throughput on the interface used to transfer samples, but that incorporates an SPI core that would have made programming the LMS7002M transceiver far simpler. However, instead a higher throughput device was selected, that doesn’t have SPI but does have I2C.

Snap packages for LimeSDR

Lets get snappy! Snaps are a containerization system that makes it easy to package and distribute a complete set of dependencies and files needed for an application. As an example, several snaps are now available on the LimeNet store for the Lime Suite GUI, Pothos GUI, GQRX, and…

LimeSDR digital design competition

Encouraged by the strength of proposals in the LimeSDR early access competition and keen to see what projects the community might build that make use of the FPGA, we’ve decided to run a second competition where this time the focus is putting the LimeSDR’s Altera Cyclone IV to good…