Introducing the RASDR Project

We’re delighted to welcome the Radio Astronomy Software Defined Radio (RASDR) project, which is developing a low cost, high performance SDR receiver for radio astronomers and educational institutions, that is based around the Reference Platform RF module plus a USB 3.0 interface board. Key features: Two channel simultaneous receive…

A2300 Updates and Making SDR Easier

Updates continue to be made to the A2300 Project to enhance both the platform-independent C/C++ API and support for the GNU Radio tools (via Ettus UHD).  In the next month, we will be uploading the HDL modifications for enabling ASR-2300 transmit functions as well as more open-source firmware updates…
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The democratisation of wireless innovation

I’ve said it before, but 2013 will come to be seen in the RF industry as the year that open source finally broke through. Myriad-RF was the first major open source RF hardware initiative from a semiconductor company — launching back in March — but significant announcements came from many…
Myriad RF Placeholder Image

Parallella: the perfect host for embedded SDR?

Delivering 26 GFLOPS performance for only 5 watts power consumption, it should come as no surprise that the $99 credit-card sized Parallella computer is generating a lot of interest for use with software-defined radio. What’s more, in addition to making it possible to run applications on a mobile power…

Open Source LTE

Low cost GSM networks created using open source technologies have been increasingly making the news, but what open source options are available for LTE?

Zipper update

There have been a number of inquiries about the upcoming Zipper HSMC/FMC interface adapter for the Myriad-RF 1 module. We’re afraid that it isn’t on sale just yet, but as soon as volume manufacturing starts it will initially be made available for purchase…
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Myriad wins NMI Award

Myriad RF has picked up its first industry award with the NMI (the UK’s electronics industry association) declaring the decision to go open source to deliver greater innovation within the wireless sector as the best business model to come out of the UK in 2013. This gong adds to the…
The Semi 360 Award

KiCad, CERN and component libraries

Footprints from the Myriad-RF component library for KiCAD KiCad is a suite of electronic design automation (EDA) tools for schematic capture and PCB layout, that are completely open source and without any artificial limits on things such as PCB size and number of layers. The KiCad tools were used…

Introducing Zipper: an FMC and HSMC interface board

Hot on the heels of the DE0-Nano and FMC interface board comes Zipper, a new interface board from Azio for the Myriad-RF 1 module, that enables it to be used with FPGA development boards that have either an FMC or HSMC connector. The board can be seen above being…
Zipper: an FMC and HSMC interface board

Open Source and Rural Telecoms

UmTRX is an open source hardware transceiver and a partner project of Myriad-RF, and  the company who developed it, Fairwaves, have been deploying it to to create rural mobile telecoms networks at a fraction of the cost of traditional solutions. About the project The problems of rural telecoms are…
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DE0-Nano interface board

We’ve had a lot of interest in the DE0-Nano interface board that was announced on the site a few months ago. Unfortunately this board sold out very quickly indeed and Azio are not planning another manufacturing run. However, the design files remain available and anyone is free to manufacture, or…
DE0-Nano interface board

Myriad-RF at GNU Radio Conference 2013

The annual GNU Radio Conference starts in just under a week and we’re incredibly excited to be participating for the first time. On the first day there will be a presentation from Alexander Chemeris of Fairwaves on the…
GNU Radio Conference 2013