Assembling the Novena Laptop

We were honoured and extremely privileged to have received the first Novena Laptop off the production line! In this post we take a look at the final assembly which needs to be done upon receipt of the laptop, including fitting the Novena-RF module and bulkhead mount…

RFDIO Connector Specification Published

The original Myriad-RF 1 module uses a compact, high-performance 80-pin Hirose connector that is designed to meet the IEEE802.3ap backplane link for 10G Ethernet compliant signal channels. The mating connector is then used on the two interface boards that are also part of the Reference Development Kit (RDK), along…

New website and community resources!

Those who have visited the Myriad-RF website over the last couple of weeks will have noticed that there have been some major changes, whereas those who haven’t until just now may have spotted that we’ve been reasonably quiet over the last few months. However, after much hard work, lots of…
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Introducing an SDR Daughter Card for Parallella

A new design enters incubation for a daughter card that adds 300MHz-3.8GHz wideband SDR TX/RX capability to the Parallella many-core computing platform. Azio recently completed the design for a new board which is based on the Myriad-RF 1 module and that turns the Parallella computer…

RASDR graduates from Incubation

We are pleased to report that Radio Astronomy Software Defined Receiver (RASDR) has graduated from incubation to become a fully fledged Myriad-RF project. It is just a little over 6 months since the project joined Myriad-RF, but it should be noted that it had been in development…
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RASDR observes M24 galaxy hydrogen absorption line

The RASDR project reached a new milestone! At the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) 2014 Annual Conference held at the end of June, the team presented several aspects of the project and gained tremendous support from attendees. Many new…
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Novena-RF module prototypes in testing

Novena main board with a prototype Myriad-RF module bottom-right We were honoured and absolutely thrilled when Bunnie and Xobs saw our Novena RF module design and decided to add it as a stretch goal for the crowdfunding campaign. We have to admit that, for a little while,…

Altera and Lime Strategic Cooperation and Myriad-RF

Yesterday Altera and Lime Microsystems announced that they have “entered into a Strategic Cooperation Agreement focused on jointly developing and promoting programmable solutions for a diverse range of broadband wireless markets”. On what this will mean in practice, the announcement goes on to state that: The agreement will result…

Welcome to the SNOWLeo SDR Project

We are excited to announce that SNOWLeo SDR has joined Myriad-RF as an incubation project. SNOWLeo SDR is a low cost software-defined radio platform which comprises of the SNOWLeo module, an interface board and the Myriad-RF 1 module. Software support is provided for MATLAB and GNU Radio, enabling the rapid…

SDR enabling the Novena Open Hardware Laptop

Adding a 300MHz-3.8GHz SDR transceiver to the currently crowdfunding open hardware platform that can be configured as a laptop or desktop. An open hardware laptop, that you are free to modify and extend as far as is practical, is the dream of many an open source advocate. Now, thanks to…

Zipper now on sale and firmware sources published

We’re delighted to announce that the Zipper board — an interface adapter which enables the Myriad-RF 1 module to be used with an FPGA development system with either an FMC or HSMC interface — is now available for purchase. At present Zipper can be bought from DigiKey and…

LMS7002M announced and new module in the works

Last week Lime Microsystems launched their second generation field-programmable RF (FPRF) device, the LMS7002M. This improves on the tried and tested LMS6002D by providing a dual-transceiver which is 2×2 MIMO capable, with frequency coverage extended all the way down to 50MHz, and that is based on a 65nm CMOS process…