OTA: Bluetooth Tracking, Ethernet Sniffing, pySim Bug Fixes, and More

Researchers from the University of California at San Diego (UC San Diego) have published a paper highlighting location-tracking attacks against mobile devices which leverage fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) physical layer attributes. “Mobile devices increasingly function as wireless tracking beacons. Using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol, mobile devices…

OTA: SDR++ Hits v1.0.0, Bluetooth Hits 5.3, Elektro-L3 Goes LRIT, and More

Alexandre Rouma’s SDR++ project, a cross-platform open-source package for software defined radio work with built-in support for LimeSDR-family hardware, has hit a milestone: the release of version 1.0.0. “For those who don’t know,” Alexandre explains, “SDR++ is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD) and open-source general purpose receiver software meant…

OTA: New LimeNET Gets AMD Ryzen Power, uSDR Launched, Open RAN Competition, and More

Lime Microsystems has announced a new version of its LimeSDR-powered LimeNET 5G-capable software-defined radio-network-in-a-box – now featuring a 16-core high-performance AMD Ryzen processor. “We are excited to collaborate with Lime Microsystems and the LimeNET ecosystem,” said AMD’s senior director of applications engineering Kun-Yip Liu of the project, “to enable innovative…

OTA: OpenBSC Setup Scripts, 80MSPS from a LimeSDR Mini, a Satellite Hunt, and More

Community member Bastien Baranoff has shared scripts for getting a Raspberry Pi system running Ubuntu Server up-and-running as an open cellular base station with Osmocom’s OpenBSC and a LimeSDR. Designed for Raspberry Pi systems running Canonical’s free and open source Ubuntu Server Linux distribution, Bastien’s scripts begin by installing the…
Lime AC Case for LimeSDR Mini

OTA: LimeRFE Shipping Begins, LibreCellular Launches, OpenWifi, and More

Lime Micro has announced that the first batch of LimeRFE boards has now been shipped to Crowd Supply, with all backers’ orders expected to be fulfilled by the end of June. Designed to bring the same flexibility as the LimeSDR range to the radio-frequency front-end field, the programmable LimeRFE promises…

OTA: LimeNET CrowdCell Shared Access Demo, LimeRFE Update, SDR Benchmarks, and More

Lime Microsystems has published a video demonstrating how the LimeSDR-powered LimeNET CrowdCell can ease the provision of private and community Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks – including using the system’s general-purpose compute to run edge workloads. “As of late 2019 anyone in the UK can obtain a licence from Ofcom…
LimeNET CrowdCell 5G

OTA: Kalibrate for LimeSDR, LimeRFE Assembly, Magma Goes Linux, and More

A fork of the Kalibrate project is now available for LimeSDR users looking for improved frequency accuracy without the need for a signal generator or spectrum analyser, thanks to the work of developer Supreeth Herle. Originally designed for receive-only software defined radios, the forked Kalibrate – known as Kalibrate-LMS –…
LimeRFE Board

OTA: LimeSDR External TCXO Board, Hardware Accelerated Video, and More

Satellite communications engineer Phil Crump has published an open-source design for an external TCXO frequency reference board for the LimeSDR Mini and other devices in the LimeSDR family. “This PCB provides an external, thermally separate, TCXO Frequency Reference to the LimeSDR Mini board,” Phil explains of the project. “I built…
Phil Crump's LimeRef Mini

OTA: LimeSDR on the Traverse Ten64, LimeRFE Production Update, and More

Traverse Technologies has showcased the flexibility of its Ten64 eight-core Linux-based networking platform for wireless use, demonstrating its compatibility with the LimeSDR USB and GNU Radio. “There has been quite a bit of interest in using Ten64 for software-defined radio (SDR) applications,” the company explains, “so we have put together…
Traverse Ten64